Lets Play the Blame Game

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the next chapter in the gripping leadership spill saga that’s driving Australia up the wall….

Julia’s fifth front bench was announced yesterday, and you can find out who’s now in Cabinet here.

Also, today the polling numbers for Labor are down, surprise, surprise. So, what better time to play the game that has become a pastime in the world of politics…

The Blame Game

Julia’s supporters, and Senior Cabinet Ministers are blaming Kevin’s supporters, like Simon Crean. Julia says it was the appalling week the party had last week. Either way, the blame game has been played.

It was also played the other day, when Simon Crean told 2GB (a radio station in Sydney), that Kevin had texted him just before he went to the media and Julia, telling him he didn’t want the spill to go ahead on Thursday. But Crean says he didn’t read it until after he’d talked to media. Oh dear. Is it true? I don’t know. Was Kevin planning a coup, but then decided forced adoption apology day was not the day to do it? I have absolutely no idea. I’m not a politician, and I don’t plan to be.

Oh well, at least The Blame Game can be fun sometimes.

On another note, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) has started something called Vote Compass. 

Vote Compass Image (ABC)

You can fill in the form telling them what you want to hear about during the election campaign. There is more information, and a link to the survey here. I think you should do it, if only because I’m hoping we might actually get some information on what everyone’s policies are for once.

Do it…you know you want to…

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