The Week that Was – August 25 to August 31

Well, its been an interesting week.

Saturday saw an addition to Tony Abbott’s asylum seeker policy, with him not only trying to “stop the boats”, but if an asylum seeker or refugee does arrive in Australia, they will not be given access to Legal Aid – the people who provide legal advice free of charge. It also saw some sort of brouhaha regarding the Liberal-National coalition. Warren Truss’ head has been cut out of an election advert in the papers and it appears that they are really trying to get the votes off the Liberals.

It’s been an ok week, no major gaffes, not too boring either. But just ok.

Also, if you’d like to look at who is up for election in your seat or your state’s senate seats, have a look here at Below the Line. You can also have a go at ordering the candidates – if in NSW, I would definitely have a look.

Best Moments this Week

Rooty Hill ‘Common Sense Test’ Guy:

Netballers (start watching at about 1:40):

Tweet of the Week

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