The Last One…

Sorry this is a tad late, but hey, we’re at the end, and we’ve find out who is leading our country…finally.

Wednesday saw the aftermath of the previous night’s Lateline on the ABC, when Roger Corbett, a Fairfax board member and member of the Liberal Party made some comments about Kevin Rudd – they weren’t nice, and the media got into a frenzy. Doug Cameron said that Corbett should “do the right thing and quit,” and Christine Milne doesn’t think it was very nice either.

The ad blackout began on Thursday morning at 12am, so there are no more political ads!

Speaking of which, the Coalition decided that this was when they should release their costings. They will decrease foreign aid by AU$4 billion and put that into infrastructure. They will scrap public transport plans and put more emphasis on roads. There is also that repetitive spiel of “cut the mining tax, cut the carbon tax, cut the waste” which drove me mental.

There was also a bit of a brouhaha in Sydney after there was a stabbing. One of the people involved is a refugee, and Scott Morrison, the Shadow Minister for Immigration decided that he could politicise it, which was probably not the best thing to do, and Tony Burke said that we should be able to make up our own minds.

The last day of the campaign, Friday. Everyone got a bit paranoid – Labor could lose 10-20 seats apparently. Tony Abbott plus one daughter spent time with some cute guide dogs – not that dogs should sway anyone, but the puppies were so cute!

Anyway, Kevin Rudd made one last push, saying that his government has plans and Tony Abbott doesn’t. He may have said something along the lines of “we’ll all be doomed” if Abbott does come to power. Tony Abbott thinks Kevin Rudd is getting desperate and scaring people and doesn’t have a plan – which was a bit mean.

Oh well, no more election campaign! Yay!

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