The New Cabinet

Tony Abbott has presented his cabinet and people are not impressed. Mainly because there is only one woman in the inner cabinet. Her name is Julie Bishop and she will be the Foreign Minister.

People are not happy, not only in the Twitterverse or the Federal Opposition, but within the party itself. I don’t blame them. It may be that they have been chosen on their “merit” and “experience”, but other than Julie Bishop or Sophie Mirabella (whose chances of losing have increased), there has to be some intelligent, smart women within the Liberal Party who could have earned a Cabinet position on their merit. To see who go in on merit, it’s here.

Tony had a slip of the tongue during his announcement, though and Twitter had a laugh.

Oops. I really do hope he meant “absence” or he has another problem on his hands.

Both Julie Bishop and Bronwyn Bishop have hit back, defending the number of women and men in the cabinet, pointing out there are quite a few women in the outer ministry (i.e. the Parliamentary Secretaries). That may be, but it is the Ministers that everyone usually pays attention to and scrutinise.

People are starting to poke fun at it, and I have to say, this is one of the funnier ones. Ita Buttrose even got in on the conversation.

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