The Two Weeks that Were – October 27 to November 9

So, in the last two weeks things have been interesting. Senate ballot papers went missing and we were accused of spying on Indonesia.

Yes, you read correctly. The AEC lost about 1,300 senate ballot papers in WA. They still counted – the Greens and the Sports Party won – but everyone is pretty sure that there will be a High Court challenge from someone, even the AEC itself.

Tasmanian Palmer United Party Senator-Elect Jacqui Lambie wants the Green looked into. She says they are destroying Tasmania’s brand. Ms Lambie wants a Senate inquiry into the Greens.She also thinks that Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s crackdown on bikies in the Sunshine State will mean that bikies will come south to Tasmania.

Continuing on, Australia has been accused of spying on Indonesia from the Embassy in Jakarta. I’m not sure if it’s true but the Indonesian Government is definitely not amused. Neither were the Germans when they found out that the US has been spying on Angela Merkel. It hasn’t done much good for the relationship between Australia and Indonesia.

Things got a little more strained when asylum seeker boat got into trouble. The boat was in international waters, but in Indonesia’s search and rescue zone. An Australian ship rescued the asylum seekers and then there were two days of discussions over who would take them, after which Australia backed down and took the asylum seekers to Christmas Island.

Quote of the Fortnight

“Now it’s tourists I want coming across that Bass Strait, not outlaw criminal motorcycle gangs.” – Palmer United Party Senator-Elect Jacqui Lambie on bikies coming to Tasmania thanks to Campbell Newman.

Tweet of the Fortnight

Scott Morrison and the Army guy were refusing to answer questions on the boat that we ended up taking:

What I’ve Been Reading

An interesting article about who owns the lolly companies – from TIME Ideas

The Ten Times ABC News Breakfast got Weird – ABC Online


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