The D-Day Stuff Up of 2014

I first found out about this on Twitter…

and since then, it’s gotten awkward. The New Matilda has a summary of the story, and the PDF of the original speech is here.

Please tell me how a speech about following War Veterans to France for D-Day commemorations links into blatant political messaging about how getting rid of the Carbon Tax and telling the rest of the world that “Australia is open for business” is going to make anyone want to trade or do more business in Australia than they already do.

Somehow, I don’t think Tony Abbott is going to make any headway going around Europe and the Americas, telling people that “Australia is open for business” and that:

We welcome investment and we are making investment more attractive by scrapping the carbon tax and the
mining tax, cutting 50,000 pages of red tape and ending the “analysis paralysis” on major projects.

The “analysis paralysis”? What has this got to do with D-Day Veterans attending the 70th anniversary commemorations in Normandy to remember the beginning of the end of a deadly war?

This has been stirring up social media, and I can understand why – it was meant to be about the Veterans, not a chance to slip in a political message that at the moment is completely irrelevant. It shouldn’t have happened at all.

The video is still on YouTube (as at 10:55pm AEST on June 1)

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