Leadership Spill – 6:50 pm

Tony Abbott has spoken to the media, saying that the Liberals are not the Labor part and there will be no reviving door of leaders. He then went on to repeat the government’s achievements, saying they stopped boats, cut taxes and that we can trust Abbott to deliver a strong economy. He also said that the Australian Prime Ministership is not a prize or a play thing, but is earned. He will hold a ballot this evening – he will be a candidate and he expects to win.

Abbott is dismayed by destabilisation asks his fellow Liberals not to take part in the destabilisation saying that they are better than this.

Joe Hockey also spoke shortly after, saying that Turnbull’s claims are unfounded, and that the government’s economic plan is working, and then went to speak on his achievements as Treasurer, such as the fewer and lower taxes, an improved budget position, more jobs, and that the government has negotiated FTAs

He’s also said that being PM is a gift of Aussie people, and that the public has right to hire n fire, finishing by saying that the PM has his support and vice versa

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