The Year That Was – 2016

Another year over, and it is time to look back at the year in politics.

Women in Cabinet: 7

In a massive change from the Tony Abbott days, we now have 7 women in cabinet – Julie Bishop, Michaelia Cash, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Kelly O’Dwyer, Fiona Nash, Marise Payne and Sussan Ley – and three others in the outer ministry.

Elections: 3

  1. Federal Election – which had a nail-biting end, and lead to a record breaking broadcast on the ABC
  2. Northern Territory State Election – which saw the tumultuous Liberal government kicked out of power in a landslide.
  3. ACT State Election – in which Andrew Barr became the first gay Chief Minister or Premier elected in their own right.

Leadership Spills – 0

Yep, that’s right! Political parties kept their cool this year, and kept their leaders.

Reshuffles – 2

Sparked by the changes of the Federal Election, both parties had ministry reshuffles.

Scandals – 3

  1. Malcolm Turnbull embroiled in the Panama Papers
  2. Bob Day and his collapsed home building company – leading to his resignation
  3. Rod Culleton and the validity of his election – leading to court dates pending in the new year.

Leigh Sales hosts the record-breaking election broadcast through until nearly 1am.

Triple J Hack’s look at 2016 Politics

One thought on “The Year That Was – 2016

  1. Pingback: The Two Weeks That Were – December 18 to December 31 | Kara L

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