The Week That Was – March 25 to March 31

The NSW and Federal Governments are gearing themselves up for elections next year – NSW is going to the polls in March(ish) 2019, and the country will vote in mid-2019, which seems like a really long time to hear people talk about what they’ll do when they’re elected next year, but to be fair, we’ll probably only hear little tidbits for the next few months, so I think we can all cope for a while.

The government is trying to convince the Senate cross bench to help pass their company tax cut – but it’s leading to some concern that the Liberals are willing to do anything for this tax cut policy to pass the Senate. Derryn Hinch is still on the fence, and there are rumours that the Liberals told new South Australian Senator Tim Storer (he’s replacing Nick Xenophon) to ‘name his price’.

Australia has kicked out two people from the Russian Embassy, alleging they’re undeclared intelligence officers. This is mostly in response to the poisoning of Yulia and Sergei Skripal in the UK, as over 20 other countries including the UK and the USA have booted diplomatic staff as well. Russia, of course, responded with the booting of two Australian diplomats – it’s essentially a typical diplomatic tit-for-tat.

Finally this week, Parliament will have a review into franchising; Tasmanians are freaking out over the fact that their government wants to relax gun laws, which could be in breach of the National Firearms Agreement; the Labor party has tweaked their franking credits refund policy thing, exempting most pensions; and early childhood workers went on strike to protest their very low pay – which they want the government to help pay so parents don’t have to.

I hope you have a good Easter long weekend.

Tweet of the Week

Things I’ve Been Looking at Online

The ABC sussed out the April Fools headlines – ABC Online

Michael Jensen on the musical The Book of Mormon ABC Online

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