The Week That Was – June 23 to June 29

Wow. What a week.

It began with Julia Gillard copping flak for knitting the Royal Baby a Kangaroo, despite being a supporter of Australia being a republic. I thought that was nice and thoughtful. It ended with a new PM.

It was entertaining, at least for news and political junkies (much like yours truly), and for once, might have had the nation sitting on the edge of their seats. If you weren’t paying attention on Wednesday night you can read what happened in the links at the bottom of this post.

In short, we now have a new Prime Minister – Kevin Rudd.

Not only that, but many people have decided to resign and leave politics, including Julia Gillard, Greg Combet and Peter Garrett. You can see who is staying and going here on the ABC News website. The media did pretty well, especially the ABC and Sky News.

In his first speech as the new PM, Kevin asked for a ‘gentler’ brand of politics and that politicians be nicer to each other. No such luck. By Tony Abbott’s second sentence, he’d taken a stab at Kevin Rudd.

Before I go, I have to say that the Liberal’s rally in Melbourne on the 29th has a distinctive US feel to it. Here’s a picture.

Personally, I don’t think we should go in this direction – but that’s just me. What do you think?

Oh well, let’s hope that next week is a little less frantic – I have a holiday planned!

Quotes of the Week

I remind the Leader of the Opposition that he is speaking on the indulgence of the chair, and it is being tried” – Anna Burke, Speaker of the House, the day after the spill. Tony Abbott had started getting a bit too vocal about the previous nights shenanigans. (from Hansard)

Before I conclude, let me say a word or two to young Australians. It’s clear that many of you, in fact far too many of you, have looked at our political system and the parliament in recent years and not liked or respected much of what you have seen. In fact as I rock around the place, talking to my own kids, they see it as a huge national turn off. Well I understand why you have switched off. It’s hardly a surprise but I want to ask you to please come back and listen afresh. It’s really important that we get you engaged, in any way we can. We need you. We need your energy. We need your ideas. We need your enthusiasm and we need you to support us in the great challenges that lie ahead for the country. With your energy, we can start cooking with gas.” Kevin Rudd in his speech after winning the spill, encouraging young Australians to come back and pay attention to politics, ended with one of his signature quips. (from Kevin’s website)

Tweets of the Week

(Context: Leigh Sales was on the ABC from 7pm until about 10:45 (she is normally just on between 7:30 and 8pm). She and Annabel Crabb were talking for a good hour or so, holding the fort while the media awaited a slightly late Kevin Rudd to speak)








Part 1 (Gillard and Swan)

Part 2 (Rudd and Albanese)

Part 3 (Abbott)

Leadership Spill – 7:54pm

7:00 – ABC News begins with National Version with Leigh Sales – Local News.

Mark Simkin made a Harry Potter quote – “neither can live while the other survives”

In the day’s other political news – Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor are leaving politics – both for personal reasons – though Tony Windsor says he’s not well – that’s a given – this parliament was stressful to the extreme.

7:08pm – Local news bulletins – Seems a bit rushed, and my reception is a little dodgy…Oh well.

7:18pm – back to the National coverage. Turns out Julia announced the ballot and she set conditions. If you want to be leader, you put your name up. You win, you are PM and Labor leader, you lose, you retire from politics at the next election.

Mark Simkin and Chris Uhlmann think Kevin will win. Phones are ringing behind them and they are holding their phones. Interesting fact: If Julia loses and send the letter to the Governor General resigning but doesn’t say that Kevin should take her place – we have a Constitutional Crisis – maybe.

Terrible jokes about Chris Uhlmann being hung up on by a member of Caucus. No news yet, obviously.

Christopher Pyne and Tony Abbott are being pains in the neck. Julia complains about the fact that she’s being attacked internally within the party.

ABC News 24 geoblock has been lifted

7:35 – still waiting. Barrie Cassidy has Gillard supporters texting him – they say it’s against them.

7:40 – Antony Green on how the electorate would vote under Kevin, hypothetical question asked by Neilson poll last week. Some seats in NSW in danger, but we all knew that.

7:45 – Coalition about to hold a party meeting in Canberra. Now getting a look at a Liberal anti-Labor ad

7:49 – Back to Uhlmann and Simkin – still no news. Barrie Cassidy has no news either.

7:50 – On another note, Adam Hills Tonight is meant to be having a Princess Bride themed episode! Hope they sort themselves out soon!

7:52 – Here comes the returning officer!! And the Winner is….Kevin Rudd!