More News on the Sydney Siege

This is simply to keep people informed on the situation.

I originally posted this on Tumblr as I was concerned people would become misinformed.

  • Three people have escaped the cafe, one through the fire door, two through the front door
  • There is a command/information centre set up in Hyde Park
  • High visibility of police around the City and transport hubs – ask them questions if you need too
  • No one has been harmed as far as the police are aware
  • Police negotiators are in contact with those in the cafe
  • There is no information on who the perpetrator is or their motivation
  • safety of the hostages is key – do not speculate
  • Two female staff members are now out of the cafe, although it is unclear if they escaped or were released – 5 people are now free, three of them Lindt Staff
  • as of 5pm AEDT the situation has been going for just over 7 hours
  • NSW Police are in contact with the gunman
  • National Security Committee is meeting for a second time
  • The flag, with Arabic writing reads (loosely translated) “There is no god but God [Allah], Muhammad is the messenger of God.” – it is a testament of faith, and is also seen on the Saudi Arabian national flag and across the Islamic World.

Again, information is from the ABC, the Guardian feed, and verified/trusted Twitter accounts.

Again, I will remind you, the situation is ongoing, and things could change.