Baddies v Baddies, Nerds and Threats

Sunday saw the Labor Launch, in which Rudd announced  policies to help apprentices, such as mandatory employment of a certain amount of apprentices in major projects and giving them an allowance to buy their tools. He also announced tax breaks for small business and told people the election wasn’t over until the last ballots are cast. Tony Abbott was mentioned 26 times and Julia Gillard was acknowledged, which I think was nice. Anthony Albanese said that while Tony Abbott can jump through tires, but Kevin Rudd is a nerd. I’m not going to simplify it.

Speaking of simplifying, Tony Abbott is in a bit of a pickle after saying that the issue in Syria was “baddies versus baddies” – the Labor party has jumped on this saying that this shows that Abbott does not have the capacity to deal with international issues – the Liberals disagree. It’s made international news (why is it always the awkward moments?) but apparently both David Cameron and Barack Obama have used the term “bad guys” – in context Cameron said “you’ve got a lot of bad guys in Syria” and Obama said that they don’t “know who the bad guys are” – either way, Tony Abbott probably shouldn’t have said it.

Monday saw Kevin Rudd go to a high school, I’m not sure why, it had something to with him being a nerd…he keeps telling people not to vote for Tony Abbott too, understandable, given that he wants to win – but still, he says it a lot.

It also turns out that the Labor-held seat of Page is very important. It changes with the government, like most marginal seats in the cities. The Nationals and Liberals are fighting for it, given that the seats surrounding it are most likely going to them. The Nationals really, really want it, given that it used to be a safe seat for them. Mind you, people thought some NSW state seats were really safe Labor, and then swung 30% the other way, so anything can happen.

Tuesday saw Tony Abbott threaten to have a double dissolution election if he doesn’t get his way with removing the carbon tax. Labor of course wants a floating carbon price. It will be interesting to see what happens…

It also saw this video of Kevin Rudd go viral:

The Australian Christian Lobby (who lost their site to the Australian Cat Ladies) think he will lose votes, and that is their opinion. It is interesting to note that all of the Christian clergy saying that Rudd would lose votes were Protestant and I think mostly Anglican – not a single Catholic clergyman was interviewed as they refused to comment.

Oh well, Saturday is coming…..I’ll leave you with some Antony Green ranting: