Some Information on the Sydney Siege

This is simply to keep people informed on the situation.

I originally posted this on Tumblr because I was concerned about people becoming misinformed.

Here’s what I know from the ABC and Twitter right now:

  • there is a hostage situation at the Lindt Cafe in Martin Place in Sydney’s CBD
  • A flag that proclaims one’s Islamic faith, often used by jihadists, has been shown in the window – IT IS NOT AN ISIS FLAG
  • Buildings in the area, some government, some corporate, are locked down or have been evacuated
  • Trains are not stopping at Martin Place Station, Buses are being stopped at the perimeter
  • Buses that normally travel over Sydney’s Harbour Bridge are stopping in North Sydney
  • The Opera House has been evacuated
  • Australia’s national security committee has met
  • A budget update announcement has been postponed until further notice
  • People are being evacuated from the Lindt Building – not the cafe, but the offices above it
  • Bystanders have been moved away from a section of Macquarie St between Hunter St and Hyde Park
  • A man has been arrested near the scene – HIS ARREST IS UNRELATED TO THE SITUATION
  • The situation has made the top of bulletins on CNN, BBC World, Al Jazeera English, and the front page of international news sites
  • The Prime Minister is due to make a statement to the media any time now (12:41pm)

Remember: This is an ongoing situation, it can change suddenly.

The Week That Was – February 2 to February 8

This week saw the SPC Ardmona saga continue, and politicians trying to change things.

Liberal back bencher Sharman Stone, whose electorate covers Shepparton – where SPC Ardmona is based – accused Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey of lying while talking to ABC Rural. When they said that they wouldn’t give money to SPC, they blamed the wages the company was paying workers, as well as “over generous” allowances. SPC Ardmona’s parent company, Coca Cola Amatil denied this and released a statement correcting the PM and the Treasurer. It also asks why the government is not taking a stronger stance against imported products the way New Zealand has.

The government also wants to change the education system, turning around 1500 public schools into government-funded independent schools. The thing is, they don’t run schools, the States do. So while Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia have some public schools run independently, the rest of the country does not. Christopher Pyne has some selling to do.

The government also wants to change the awards system (the rules about paying shift workers) and are seeing whether or not companies still need to pay penalty rates (if you work late, on weekends or public holidays, you are paid more as compensation). It sounds like they want to have Zombie Work Choices, bringing a bad system back to life. Even though Abbott said it was “dead, buried and cremated”.

Tony Abbott had a little victory speech the other day, saying it had been 50 days since “an illegal boat” arrived in Australia. Again with the terrible timing, it just so happened that an orange lifeboat showed up on an Indonesian beach and then the videos taken by the asylum seekers was released to the ABC. Oops. But they don’t comment about “on water operations” because they don’t want to tell the people smugglers what is going on. But hey, once the ABC had the footage, they could give it to others, and imagine my cringing when Al Jazeera and BBC World News showed it. Great.

Speaking of the ABC, they’ve apologised for the wording of their reports about the mistreatment of asylum seekers but not airing the story, because it’s in the public interest.

The Griffith by-election took place on Saturday and at this point, it appears that Terri Butler (ALP) has won.

Tweet of the Week

The disadvantage of using your breaking news colours for bushfire warnings while talking about other breaking news regarding Schapelle Corby’s parole

Things I’ve Been Reading/Watching/Listening

The Canadian Luge ad everyone is talking about.

The Undoing of Australia NetworkThe Hoopla

The Week That Was – October 20 to October 26

This week has been mainly about the fires. Understandable, given the fires have toasted over 100,000 hectares and about 200 homes. But we did raise the debt ceiling and Greg Hunt used Wikipedia to get his facts.

First, on the weekend, Tony Abbott went with his volunteer brigade to help with back burning – his security detail were not entirely happy, given the fact that their job is to protect him but otherwise, he was doing his bit.

Second, we made international headlines. Yep, once a bushfire destroys a few hundred houses and toasts an area roughly the size of New York City, you’ve got yourself one of the top stories on CNN International, BBC, Al Jazeera and whatever other news services you can think of. Also making news is Tony Abbott’s views on climate change.

This is from Amanpour on CNN, talking to former CNN and current Sky News journalist Stan Grant.

Then there is the more recent issue of compensation. The Lithgow fire was unintentionally started by the defence force during an exercise involving live munitions. So, does the Department of Defence have to pay compensation? Not as yet, but obviously the key is dealing with the fires before playing the blame game.

There has also been anger from people especially in Winmalee and Springwood after the changes to eligibility for government assistance – now it is only if your house is burnt to the ground or severely damaged. People aren’t impressed, as the ABC found out – video here.

Also this week, the Danish Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are in town, primarily for the Opera House celebrations. They’ve also been to a few schools and a hospital and it seems they may have fit in some time to visit the bushfire affected areas – which is nice.

Tweets of the Week

So, on Wednesday, the ABC did their 7pm News live from Springwood, near the bushfires:

What I’ve Been Reading

Annabel Crabb on being made up for TV while standing in for Leigh Sales – on the SMH Website.

Behind the Scenes at RFS HQ – ABC Online

How long can the ministerial sound of silence last? – ABC The Drum