Debate 2.0, Who’s Aggressive and Buy the Boats

Wednesday saw another debate, and while it did start off boring, once the undecided voters started asking interesting questions. Someone asked why there were such terrible candidates. Kevin Rudd agreed but essentially said that all the good people that would be great were not in politics, while Tony Abbott tried to spruik his candidates. Later in the debate, it got feisty:

That saw people (in politics) on Thursday asking if Abbott was aggressive or in Rudd talked too much.

Abbott also released his health plan, in which he says he will expand GP training. However the news was mostly about his announcement to no longer accept donations to the Liberal Party from big tobacco.

Also on Thursday, with reports of chemical weapon use in Syria, both Abbott and Rudd said that they condemned the use of chemical weapons – it may be the only thing they have agreed upon.

Friday saw Tony Abbott with another plan for border security – buying back the boats. The plan, in a very small nutshell, is to pay fishermen for boats so that people smugglers cannot buy them, but also to pay for informants – Labor is not impressed.

Speaking of Labor, Kevin Rudd spent his Friday on a whirlwind tour of Western Sydney, which started at about 5am at the fish markets.

We now have only two weeks to go – it’ll all be over soon….