The Aftermath

In place of The Week That Was, I have an election aftermath special. All will be back to normal next week.

So, for those of you who watched DVDs on Saturday night to avoid the coverage, or just forgot, Tony Abbott has become Prime Minister. As of Sunday night, the Liberals have 86 seats, Labor has 57, one seat for the Greens, one Independent (Andrew Wilkie) and one Katter Party. Four seats are still in doubt, two of which could go to Palmer United Party.

Here is Kevin Rudd’s concession speech – it’s long, but he is being a good loser.

On the other hand, I bring you Tony Abbott’s acceptance speech, he’s somewhat less of a good winner, but then again, he’s not that kind of person.

Senate is being a little more difficult and the funky preferences mean that the Greens may not be holding the balance of power there anymore. That could belong to a bunch of small peculiar parties such as the Motoring Enthusiasts Party, the Sports Party and Nick Xenophon and John Madigan have their seats. Once again there are questions over whether we should have electoral reform given that there is such a strange mix of senators this election.

There were some interesting tidbits in the ABC News Special on Sunday night that required the 7:30 presenter Leigh Sales, and, at least in NSW, the ABC News weekday presenter Juanita Phillips to cover the news, as opposed to the weekend people. Not only that, but the ABC journalist out in the seat of Fairfax (where Clive Palmer could win) had placed himself right in front of the dinosaur at a golf course Clive Palmer owns – it started moving as the journo began his live cross, leading to a lot of laughs in my living room.