The Week That Was – March 4 to March 10

It was a quieter week this week because parliament didn’t sit.

The Liberals won the Tasmanian state election, just hitting the “magic number” of 13 for the House of Representatives. Tasmania, being so small population-wise, uses the Hare-Clark electoral system. There is a lot of concern still about the fact that the Liberals  did announce the day before election that they were considering decreasing gun ownership restrictions.

Barnaby Joyce this week suggested the paternity of his baby with Vikki Campion was a “grey area”, but that he’d raise the child as his own. He then changed his tune and said that it was no-one’s business, which is a bit hypocritical given the comment he’d made the day before.

The Federal Government has announced a redress scheme for victims of institutional child abuse. The New South Wales and Victorian State governments have signed up, and Malcolm Turnbull is encouraging other states and territories as well as charities and church organisations to sign up, otherwise lots of victims will miss out. The redress scheme gives payouts of up to $150,000, which is $50,000 less than the Royal Commission recommended, as well as access to counselling and a direct response from the responsible organisation.

After Donald Trump announced the steel and aluminium tariffs, Australia has been working hard to get an exemption. The government has been successful, and Australia, like America’s NAFTA partners Mexico and Canada, will be exempt from the 25% tariff on steel and the 10% tariff on aluminium, leaving other key steel importers to pay the taxes. This is leading to concerns that Australia could be a dumping ground for cheap steel imports, which the government does not seem to concerned about (yet).

Finally this week, James Ashby, Pauline Hanson’s chief of staff, is being investigated for flying her around in a plane without the correct pilot’s licence; Australia is on the way to eradicating the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which causes cervical cancer, thanks to the use of the Gardasil vaccine; and there is now a commitment between the Australian and NSW Governments to build the Badgery’s Creek Airport.

Tweet of the Week

Leigh Sales wrote a column for International Womens’ Day, and after a positive response which included people saying that they wanted her advice every day….

Things I’ve Been Looking at Online

Does your local MP know what it is like to do your job? – ABC Online