Fashion of the Moment, Katy v Tony and Counting to 110

Wednesday brought us some more of Tony Abbott, the gaffe-prone politician.

Wednesday saw him being interviewed on radio. When asked about same-sex marriage, he said his view was that marriage should be between a man and a woman and then, he said this:

My idea is to build on the strength of our society and I support, by and large, evolutionary change, I’m not someone who wants to see radical change based on the fashion of the moment.”

Yep. He did just say that. Oops. He said that the previous day’s ‘sex appeal’ comment was a ‘dorky dad’ moment and that it was all ok.

In Melbourne, Adam Bandt, the Greens MP for Melbourne and the other candidates for the seat were out canvassing. It appears that if Adam Bandt looses the seat, it will be a battle of roads vs. public transport. If the liberals win the seat, and the election, they have promised an expressway with tunnels – but that means that houses will be bulldozed. If Labor gets the seat, and wins the election, they will improve public transport.

On Thursday, we had some star power in the election. Tony was one of a few Aussie ‘celebrities’ that got to ask Katy Perry a question, and she turned it back on him.

Kevin Rudd on the other hand, announced a 2018 plan for a Special Economic Zone in the Top End, above the Tropic of Capricorn. Meanwhile, in Tasmania, Abbott was announcing his own economic plan. One end of the country or the other it seems…

Peter Slipper is standing as an independent in his seat, and his wife supports him fully. The candidate the Liberals put up is Mal Brough – he’s the one that hosted the dinner involved with the offensive menu.

On Friday, opinion polls put Labor down in most seats. Tony Abbott had a lovely little rant (at least that’s how I perceived it) about asylum seekers while telling us how he was going to deal with them. In a moment of déjà vu for anyone who remembers the 1990s consciously:

It is our country, and we decide who comes”

I think he did it just to look tough, given the fact that he also said:

If you can’t stop the boats, you aren’t fit to govern,”

Might I just point out that being an asylum seeker isn’t illegal? Also, if Tony Abbott’s policy is the one we follow, the Temporary Protection Visas that will let them into Australia give them no chance of citizenship or getting a job – either that or working for the dole. I do not think we should be treating them like second class citizens. They are people like you and I.

NSW has just had its Senate Ballot put together and there will be 110 candidates. There are over 40 columns, the sheet of paper will be a metre long and in 6-point font. There will be magnifiers if you need them.

Three weeks to go!