The Week That Was – July 31 to August 6

It was a relatively quiet week in Canberra, but that doesn’t mean nothing happened at all.

The seat of Herbert was finally declared. It was won by Labor’s Cath O’Toole, the first woman to win the seat. The seat is only held by 37 votes, so it has become very marginal, although it could be contested in the Court of Disputed Returns if the LNP so chooses. The Senate result was also declared, with One Nation winning four seats, Family First and the Liberal Democrats winning one seat each, along with Derryn Hinch and Jacqui Lambie, and the NXT winning three.

The Royal Commission into NT Youth Detention has hit a snag only a week after it was announced. Brian Martin, who was to be the Commissioner has quit after it came to light that his daughter was working in a role in the NT government where she may be required to give evidence in the Commission, which could lead to public perception of a conflict of interest. The Attorney-General has selected Mick Gooda and former QLD Supreme Court Judge Margaret White to replace him.

Finally this week, Malcolm Turnbull has demanded the banks explain why they wouldn’t pass on the entirety of this week’s rate cut; terror raids took place in Melbourne; and the Royal Commission into Child Abuse is looking into allegations against the Anglican Church.

Tweet of the Week

Things I’ve Been Looking at Online

Scandals that show the NT Government is crazy – Buzzfeed

Who’s who of the new Senate – ABC Online

Avoiding the Brexit trap in the same-sex marriage plebiscite – ABC Online