The Week That Was – July 28 to August 3

Well, if not for the ICAC findings, this week would have been a bit of same old, same old.

So, it started on Sunday morning, when the Opposition Spokesman for Immigration, Scott Morrison said that maybe, the Coalition would support the PNG solution. Wait what? Last week they flipped from “this is good” to “this is bad” and now they’re saying “this is good” again. Honestly, make your mind up people!

Also this week, the Coalition decided that they like the Gonski Reforms – except I don’t think they are called that anymore – with Tony saying there is no difference between his and Kev’s education policy. The cynic within me thinks he’s only doing it because the polling has suggested that people are in favour of the reforms.

In NSW, the ICAC inquiry returned with rulings on three of their four investigations. Eddie Obeid and Ian Macdonald as well as a few businessmen have been recommended to the Department of Public Prosecutions for their corruption.

Eddie Obeid is not impressed; he thinks the whole thing is a sham. Oh, and I think he might have thrown John Robertson (NSW Labor Opposition Leader) under the bus.

Ian Macdonald is unimpressed too, but other than being rather annoyed that his case is off to the DPP, he hasn’t said much.

Quotes of the Week

John Robertson’s irrelevant. He’ll get his day later…” – Eddie Obeid in his statement to the media about ICAC

As far as school funding is concerned, Kevin Rudd and I are on a unity ticket. There is no difference between Kevin Rudd and myself when it comes to school funding.” – Tony Abbott on Gonski reforms.


Tweet of the Week

Lyndal Curtis (ABC Political Reporter) is working very hard by the looks of it – may have skipped a meal and listened to too much economic news. 😀


A Little Treat for you!

So, for those of you who are getting bored with the “when will the election be called” question, I have something about the election that will be definite – a HUGE ballot paper for NSW Senate candidates! Be ready to vote under the line and count to a large number!

The Week that Was – July 20 – July 27

Since the spill and the end of parliamentary sittings, it has been far less mental – and I haven’t been on Hansard* in while. It also means that there is nothing of real interest to post on during the week.

This week, Tony made a sudden and abrupt turn from “PNG Solution = good” to “PNG Solution = bad”. It appears to be on the basis that there won’t be enough room or something. I’m not entirely sure. The Coalition is being weird and strange and making no sense to me. Neither is Labor for that matter.

As I mentioned last week, I see the point (sort of) of the PNG Solution – It’s stopping the people smugglers. However, it appears that a) The news hasn’t gotten to some refugees and asylum seekers; and b) The smugglers seem to be running, as someone called it, a ‘closing down sale’. Why? It just so happens that this week alone 1050 refugees were sent to PNG after 14 boats were intercepted.

There was a riot at the processing centre on Nauru and some abuse allegations at the detentions centre on Manus Island.

That’s really all that happened this week – which is a bit tedious. Oh well, I’ll enjoy the quiet while I can – the election will be called at some point.

*Hansard: The transcript of what is said in parliament.

Quotes of the Week

It must be tackled with decisiveness, with urgency, with the appropriate level of seriousness. That’s why we need to have a senior military officer in operational control of this very important national emergency.” – Tony Abbott on his plan to involve the military in ‘stopping the boats’.

So nobody should be in any doubt – if people want to test our resolve, and we always said they would try, if people want to test our resolve then whatever capacity is required will be provided, and the new arrangement will be implemented.” – Tony Burke on the capacity of the detention centre on Manus Island.

Tweet of the Week