The Week That Was – November 1 to November 7

As the North Sydney by-election campaign continues, the Federal Government appears to be laying groundwork for tax reform. I should be interesting to see how a popular PM deals with selling unpopular tax reforms. It’s thought that the GST will be raised to 15% and all exemptions will be removed, however this is all speculation and it’s believed that the PM and the government are letting all this speculation run rife in order to lay the groundwork and see what the public think.

Some MPs believe that they could sell GST changed but they would have to come in a package with other sweeteners – such as income tax cuts and increases in pensions – in order for that to happen. Meanwhile the opposition is against any tax changes util they see the maths behind it. Turnbull will also have to convince the state premiers that it is worth the rise in the GST – especially Western Australia who feel – thanks to the way the GST paybacks to states are calculated – that they are not getting as much money as they should.

Peter Dutton travelled one of the biggest refugee camps in the world this week, on his trip to Jordan. Dutton had a tour of the camp, meeting residents, before giving visas to the first few dozen refugees that Australia is taking in. There was one guy the cameras filmed getting his visa and shaking Dutton’s hand, professing his gratitude and promising that his family would be good people in Australia – which shows just how desperate these families are to get out of Syria and the Middle East.

This week the Trade Union Royal Commission looked into the NUW, with revelations that several employees were using their union-issued credit cards for personal expenses, such as online dating and holidays. Some of these employees are members of the same family. Furthermore, TURC released a statement exonerating Bill Shorten of any wrongdoing while at the helm of the Australian Workers Union, but faced criticism for releasing this statement at 8pm on a Friday night.

Finally this week, Malcolm Turnbull made a speech this week talking about his plans and vision – He wants Australia to be a high-wage nation with a generous social net and “fair” tax systems – he also got rid of Knights and Dames and Bill Shorten has been revealed as an awkward dad dancer. Other than that, there hasn’t been much else on, or I missed it.

Tweet of the Week

Things I’ve Been Looking at Online

Bit of a Melbourne Cup theme this week…

The pooping pony at a Sydney cafe on Melbourne Cup Day – ABC News

Jana Wendt’s profile on Wyatt Roy – SBS News

Malcolm Turnbull just doesn’t care about the Melbourne Cup – Buzzfeed

How Admire Rakti (one of the horses that died at last year’s Cup) saved his jockey’s life – The Age