The Week That Was – December 15 to December 21

Well, Tony Abbott thinks that he’s doing a pretty good job.

At least that what he said during his speech about how his government is faring 100 days in. He does admit it hasn’t been smooth, and that he’d really like to get his Carbon Tax repeal through. He says that he is going to keep the commitments that he made during the election and is blaming the previous government for some issues – which he can do for a while, but not for too long. He also said that it was “high time” that the Indonesians began to co-operate with Operation Sovereign Borders again.

This week we got a mid-year budget outlook, and apparently it’s not too good. By next June/July (the start of the new financial year) Australia’s deficit could be almost AU$50 billion. Ouch. Joe Hockey says that it is all Labor’s fault – albeit despite the fact that some of the current government’s big-ticket items are factored into the budget too. To solve the problem, the Coalition is thinking of fiddling with the NDIS, while keeping their paid parental leave scheme.

In case you missed it, Holden’s manufacturing division is leaving Australia by the end of 2017 – so the government has put together a package worth AU$100 million. The government would supply $60 million, Holden $20 million, Victoria $12 million and South Australia will contribute $8 million to help the workers. Hopefully that will help them feel a little better.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tweet of the Week

The guy who caused NSW Parliament House to be shut down.

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching/Listening etc

2013: The Year of Déjà Vu – TIME Magazine Online