The Week that Was – May 5 to May 11

Well, this week was a little boring for me.

Why? All we talked about was the Budget if you were Labor, or how evil Labor was if you were Liberal. Honestly, it got to the point where anytime Tony Abbott or Joe Hockey appeared on the news to say “Labor is bad, m’kay?” (and yes, I just made a South Park reference), I would retort with “Well, what are you going to do?”, albeit at the television.

So what do we know?

  • The budget is out by AU$17 billion
  • They’re cutting $2.8 billion from universities to fund Gonski reforms
  • Some people are having their welfare cut, while others will get more
  • There will be an increase to the Medicare Levy in order to pay for the NDIS

There is a bit more, but economics is not my thing, and I can only hear about/look at Budget information for a short length of time before I feel like throwing heavy objects and ask difficult questions.

Questions like: “Who hasn’t been paying their taxes?” when I found out tax revenue had dropped.

Other than that…there wasn’t much. Except the PM’s visit to Papua New Guinea, where they signed papers.

Quotes of the Week

The huge drop in commodity prices in the second half of last year had a dramatic impact on MRRT revenues” – Wayne Swan trying to explain the huge deficit.

We will retain and improve the Fair Work Act; we want to protect workers’ pay and conditions; we also want to maximise their opportunities to get good jobs. I want to assure all the workers of Australia, unionised and non-unionised, that they can trust their future in our hands.” – Tony Abbott, talking about his industrial relations policy…Let’s just hope Work Choices doesn’t come back.

Tweet of the Week

Faux Pas of the Week

The Clive Palmer and Peter Slipper saga. Enough Said.